We all know that motherhood is a calling, and no service comes close to what a mother provides for her kids. Although being a mother is the most incredible feeling ever, it is inarguable that motherhood is hard work!
Sometimes we lose ourselves in motherhood that nothing else matters. We forget who we are. We forget our identity. We forget to chase that dream or even take care of ourselves.
Some mothers even have to drop out of school to cater to their families. Some quit their jobs or even become stay-at-home moms because they want to give the best to their kids. They cater to the kids and husbands, with nobody catering for them in most cases. Some fall deep into depression when they look back at their life and discover that they have not achieved anything important. For this reason, I have come up with this message that Mothers should find time to rest, Zukwanike!
There is no denying that motherhood can be overwhelming sometimes. But please, try and find time to rest. Have some “me time.” Go on that vacation alone, get a spa treatment, and indulge in self-care. Exercise, eat healthy, smile often, and learn to laugh out loud. Go back to school, take that course, pursue your passion, hang out with your friends, talk to someone, spend some time with your spouse, connect once again with your maker and generally HAVE FUN!
The kids will survive a few days or hours without you. Get help from a friend or relative to take care of the kids while you are away. Enough of the mom’s guilt! Learn to LIVE!
Love yourself first so that you can love others. You cannot pour from an empty cup, and you cannot give what you don’t have.
Remember, your mental health is a top priority in all of this.

Lots of love,
Ebele Iyiegbu